California this summer experienced 30 degree…

California this summer experienced 30 degree F temperature above normal ! - is it due to climate change ? #askNostr Btw - this is not my question ! It was asked to Steve Garvey in debate with Adam Schiff for Cal senate race .. coincidentally it happened after 30 years - as stated by the host ( someone…

Is #Microsoft a welcome to #bitcoin…

Is #Microsoft a welcome to #bitcoin ? #askNostr Quote Benziga -> Microsoft Corp. disclosed it will vote for an assessment of investing in Bitcoin during the upcoming shareholders meeting in December. What happened: In a Thursday filing with the SEC, the technology giant listed a line item “Assessment of Investing

what exactly is freedom ? #askNostr #free

what exactly is freedom ? #askNostr #free Is it only abilty to not be survailed ? like using #tor or #simplex ? or is it more than that .. As I think more about it .. I guess freedom has three aspects .. assuming we do want to live with in a collective .. not run to…

What is your mental algorithm to…

What is your mental algorithm to follow back people ? #askNostr I followback if some #zaps me - even a single #sat . .. cuz I assume a bots wont zap me :-) ... plus if someone set up ap wallet (custodial or non doesnt matter) then they are really serious to stay back here on…

What is a balanced portfolio ? #askNostr…

What is a balanced portfolio ? #askNostr #finFreedom If you are renting - first buy a home - there is nothing like having a place that you can call yours even if it is a mortgage ... remining savings 30 % #bitcoin - self custody or exchanges or ETFs - whatever your comfort level 30 % in #gold…

At this speed how many days…

At this speed how many days would it take to build #nostroid - a nostrified android distro with native #bitcoin wallet #Lightning wallet #nostr relay #nostr client (s) #notifications and a real hand held .. inter-connected like #mashtastic .. imagine #askNostr…
infrequently asked questions !
Click menu for bitcoin, nostr , gold and AI specific questions. Curated by ... with the help of my #nostr friends who so eagerly answer any question you throw on them - thank you nostriches !

What is the best way for…