Most software projects figure out their…

Most software projects figure out their earning models when they get popular - that is why they need huge investments and run for free for a long time - case on point #AI .. Later when they are unable to ask for a value for value , they tend to invent convert means of…

The only centralisation in social ( and…

The only centralisation in social ( and greater ) media context is the control over feed what people read tomorrow morning #newsPaper what people see in nightly news #TV what people see at 5 PM when they hand over their brains with a bottle of wine #youTube What people see late night…

#gold stashed in a vault is…

#gold stashed in a vault is backed by #gold stashed in that vault ! #bitcoin is backed by #Bitcoin (live) power consumption = World TeraHash x Bitcoin Average J/THash = 789,507,926 x 19.2 = 15.2 GW What would you buy ? #askNostr…

It is way more profitable to…

It is way more profitable to buy and sell commodities than stocks but you couldn't hodl commodities ... most commodities perish and those that are not are stolen #gold .. #bitcoin is apex commodity because not only it is most profitable buy and sell, it is also most hodlable commodity
infrequently asked questions !
Click menu for bitcoin, nostr , gold and AI specific questions. Curated by ... with the help of my #nostr friends who so eagerly answer any question you throw on them - thank you nostriches !

What is the best way for…