All tools are created to satisfy…

All tools are created to satisfy a need ( mostly consumption) - at this stage the tool is called #bhokta - means the consumer ..

When tool gains some intelligence , it becomes an observer - like a sensor - such a tool is called a #drashta - the observer - it waits for an event to happen and reports the results when asked !

When tools gain more intelligence - they become #anumanta - an authorisor - think about a lock that opens only when it validates certain access credentials. Or a robot that performs actions only for its owner demands .. or a self driving feature that doesn't let driver on the wheel sleep ..

Finally , at #AGI level intelligence , the tool gets full autonomy.. at this stage the tool is called #Ishwara - the god himself ..

Now imagine we are the tools in this 3 Dimensional physical reality of ours !

What stage are we humans ? #Bhokta , #Drashta , #Anumanta or #Ishwara ?


The only measure better than #zaps…

The only measure better than #zaps is engagement ! Is there a way to measure engagement in social media ? #askNostr .. No it is not follow-follower model .. Engagement is - are you actively participating in a conversation..not likes .. are you transacting value .. #zaps .. are you really learning something or your world…
infrequently asked questions !
Click menu for bitcoin, nostr , gold and AI specific questions. Curated by ... with the help of my #nostr friends who so eagerly answer any question you throw on them - thank you nostriches !

Do you still pay for a…