What is a balanced portfolio ? #askNostr…

What is a balanced portfolio ? #askNostr


- If you are renting - first buy a home - there is nothing like having a place that you can call yours even if it is a mortgage ...

- remining savings
- 30 % #bitcoin - self custody or exchanges or ETFs - whatever your comfort level
- 30 % in #gold - buy real gold and put in a locker or go for an ETF like GLD (heavy fees) .. not crypto gold like xAUT
- 30 % in total stock index - like VTI if you dont wanna open an account with Vanguard .. if you do than admiral VTSAX will save you a ton in fee
- 10 % in cash or short term bets like $MSTR , $TESLA .. whatever you like cuz ..life should be fun ... and you should have a good reason to watch CNBC :-)

what exactly is freedom ? #askNostr #free

what exactly is freedom ? #askNostr #free Is it only abilty to not be survailed ? like using #tor or #simplex ? or is it more than that .. As I think more about it .. I guess freedom has three aspects .. assuming we do want to live with in a collective .. not run to…

What is your mental algorithm to…

What is your mental algorithm to follow back people ? #askNostr I followback if some #zaps me - even a single #sat . .. cuz I assume a bots wont zap me :-) ... plus if someone set up ap wallet (custodial or non doesnt matter) then they are really serious to stay back here on…

At this speed how many days…

At this speed how many days would it take to build #nostroid - a nostrified android distro with native #bitcoin wallet #Lightning wallet #nostr relay #nostr client (s) #notifications and a real hand held .. inter-connected like #mashtastic .. imagine #askNostr…
infrequently asked questions !
Click menu for bitcoin, nostr , gold and AI specific questions. Curated by npub.pro ... with the help of my #nostr friends who so eagerly answer any question you throw on them - thank you nostriches !

What is the best way for…