Now that #bitcoin price is good…

Now that #bitcoin price is good - should I sell a bit to upgrade my car to a truck ?


Or invest a bit in a mining rig ?

When you keep your money in…

When you keep your money in Chase or Wells , it is an act of patriotism.. let me explain .. You keep your hard earned money with one of the banks knowing very well there is no interest whatsoever you are taking a hit for over six percent year on year…

Say #nostr had a million daily…

Say #nostr had a million daily devs and creative users .. They #zap a 100 times daily ..on an average - to build the most beautiful creative artifacts - of code and content .. #creative-economy Say average ten #sats per #zap So we will transact ten #bitcoin daily .. makes sense ? The question is…
infrequently asked questions !
Click menu for bitcoin, nostr , gold and AI specific questions. Curated by ... with the help of my #nostr friends who so eagerly answer any question you throw on them - thank you nostriches !

What is the best way for…