Which form of money is more…

Which form of money is more under self custody ?


#bitcoin or #gold


Would you want to share your…

Would you want to share your questions ( prompts ) to #Gemini ? To earn #zaps #askNostr What do I mean from client specific problem capture - while still enjoying the benefits of #protocol we know that #AI #chatbots are going to be omnipresent .. if that I true , I am iterested in what people…

#AI shall steal all your money…

#AI shall steal all your money . Not by hacking the banks - cuz things will be so good , you would want to have them all .. That is why learning to #hodl is important. It is a traing to resist the immediate desires - to retain value .. Is #bitcoin resistance - to being taken…

Billions of people adopt a tool…

Billions of people adopt a tool or software because it solves a unique problem ! #Twitter gained momentum because cell phones were just launched and networks were bad .. before EDGE .. it allowed an SMS to reach thousands of activists .. #whatsapp solved a similar problem but in a different fashion . They saw…
infrequently asked questions !
Click menu for bitcoin, nostr , gold and AI specific questions. Curated by npub.pro ... with the help of my #nostr friends who so eagerly answer any question you throw on them - thank you nostriches !

Which form of money is more…