What exactly is #Yoga ? And what…

What exactly is #Yoga ? And what it got to do with #Chakra system



#Karmyoga - yoga of mind - action - #Sasrara Chakra

#Bhaktiyoga - yoga of forehead - devotion - #Ajna Chakra

#Naadyoga - yoga of throat - speech - #Vishuddhi Chakra

#Pranayama - yoga of lungs - breathing - #Anahata Chakra

#Hathyoga - yoga of belly - twisting and turning - #Manipurka Charka

#Brmhchraya - yoga of control over senses - gentals - #Swadhishthana Chakra

In the earlier part of life - focus ( bindu ) moves from lower charka to upper chakras ..

In older part of life - we prevent focus falling from top to bottom ..

Life instantiates in the bottom most Chakra - #Mooladhara

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