Billions of people adopt a tool…

Billions of people adopt a tool or software because it solves a unique problem !

- #Twitter gained momentum because cell phones were just launched and networks were bad .. before EDGE .. it allowed an SMS to reach thousands of activists ..

- #whatsapp solved a similar problem but in a different fashion . They saw cellular data is going to be all pervasive .. and SMS tech was bad .. they took the idea of messaging but made it super friendly and useful leveraging 3g and LTE .. groups came much later .. people gave up SMS in favor of whatsapp without a second thought .. twitter lost the momentum ..

- #facebook - however evil it may be - connected families and friends like no one else ..

- before #gmail , email had data limitations . I think yahoo used to give 100 mb free .... gmail gave 5 gigs of data free ... It was a revolution . And then they made it pretty much unlimited ..

- #maps - need I say ?

Commoners don't care about #privacy , #centralisation or similar esoteric concepts .. these narratives are important to popular people who fear cancellation or persecution! Not saying these are not good things .. they are great .. only if tool solves a real problem !

Keep the eye on the ball #nostr ..What problem are you solving for a commoner ?


#bitcoin is EXACT opposite of conventional…

#bitcoin is EXACT opposite of conventional wisdom ! Big block - more Txns v/s small blocks - more valuable Txns Secrecy in finance v/s public open ledger Power efficiency is good v/s electricity hog price of everything always goes up v/s price always keeps falling . . . What it tells us…
infrequently asked questions !
Click menu for bitcoin, nostr , gold and AI specific questions. Curated by ... with the help of my #nostr friends who so eagerly answer any question you throw on them - thank you nostriches !