4 posts in


Would you want to share your…

Would you want to share your questions ( prompts ) to #Gemini ? To earn #zaps #askNostr What do I mean from client specific problem capture - while still enjoying the benefits of #protocol we know that #AI #chatbots are going to be omnipresent .. if that I true , I am iterested in what people…

#google has cracked every Mag 7…

#google has cracked every Mag 7 except for #Meta 's social juggernaut.. they miserably failed with Google PLUS .. That is why #nostr is a God sent for Google .. Will #Google support #nostr ? Cloud infra , free #Gemini #askNostr…

Hey #AI experts .. can #google #Gemini…

Hey #AI experts .. can #google #Gemini translate ( in audio ) a part of audio file ? #askNostr Asking cuz I am told Gemini is multi modal ..which I think is it can handle text videos and audio .. right ? To be more specific - I have an audio file ( around fifty minutes long ) .. it…

What do you call a monopoly…

What do you call a monopoly that takes over all the monopolies ? #askNostr #Google Microcosm { #Microsoft ( #Chrome #ChromeOS , #Office ), #nVidia ( #Trillium ) #Apple ( #Pixel , #WearOS , #Android ), #Amazon ( #googleCloud ), #Tesla ( #Waymo #FSD ), #Netflix ( #Youtube ), #OpenAI ( #Gemini ) , #Verizon (#googleFi , #googleVoice ), } And despite all $GOOG is selling at 24 times earnings ! .. compare that to…
infrequently asked questions !
Click menu for bitcoin, nostr , gold and AI specific questions. Curated by npub.pro ... with the help of my #nostr friends who so eagerly answer any question you throw on them - thank you nostriches !