6 posts in


Today's peg…

Today's peg One #sat = 0.01 mg of #gold + fees #Gold = $83400 per ten million milligrams. #bitcoin = $93,400 per humdred million #sats Is my math right ? #askNostr…

Is it a sweet coincidence that…

Is it a sweet coincidence that #Sat literally means Truth in #Sanskrit ? Written as सत् ! #askNostr Or #Satoshi is a linguist too , in addition to ace cryptographer , economist as well as C++ mastero ? #bitcoin…

The unit is #sat .. #bitcoin is…

The unit is #sat .. #bitcoin is the reward .. Bitcoin became "store of value" instead of "unit of exchange" because we messed up the unit .. 😭 Bitcoin education needs to fix this .. talk about #zaps rather than " not your keys - not your Bitcoin" .. If you want

What is your mental algorithm to…

What is your mental algorithm to follow back people ? #askNostr I followback if some #zaps me - even a single #sat . .. cuz I assume a bots wont zap me :-) ... plus if someone set up ap wallet (custodial or non doesnt matter) then they are really serious to stay back here on…

One #sat per token for my…

One #sat per token for my creative commons content that they used for training ..... Is that too much to ask from #bitTech generative models ? #openAI #Gemini #Grok #lLama Free if they open source the model and all the content model creates .. #askNostr…
infrequently asked questions !
Click menu for bitcoin, nostr , gold and AI specific questions. Curated by npub.pro ... with the help of my #nostr friends who so eagerly answer any question you throw on them - thank you nostriches !

Is Telegram a freedom tech ?

What is the best way to…